
Happiness and Food

Happiness and food are really highly connected, from the pleasure of cooking and eating to the changes in brain chemistry that food can bring about. Many people are made miserable by food but if we switch that around we can use food to make ourselves happier!

A happy world

We'd all like to live in a world where most of the people are happy most of the time. It would be a nice world, full of cheerful optimism and generous spirits. I know it sounds like a utopian dream but just try and imagine for a moment what the world would be like if all of the unhelpful negative people you met in your daily life were optimistic, friendly and helpful... Ah, I can almost hear the birds singing!

self interest v the common good

Just watching panorama about devious ne'er-do-wells screwing money out of the property market and it occurred to me that these people are actively engaged in wrecking society but they don't care because they think it won't affect them. Take the money and run, possibly to Panama. But we're all living in the world together and if civilization breaks down then it breaks down for everybody.

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